Is abortion OK in certain circumstances? - uterine cancer diagnosis more condition_symptoms
If such a mother, a cancer of the uterus, for example, and the needs of your uterus removed (hysterectomy), abortion, in other words, because they would otherwise die. No doubt this would be a sin in this scenario? It would be very sad, yes, but not a sin?
And if this woman had many more children who need them? What would it have a greater impact on the situation?
Moreover, if it is found ultrasound that the fetus is deformed secerely, I'm not talking disformaties narmal, I mean seriously, as imply that a child can for several hours in order to survive to be born would be a abotrion?
What are the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, the evidence from creating embryos in vitro for genetic diseases, all right to implant embryos healthy and unhealthy?
First ask, if necessary, and if we have been clarified, we must consider the moral arguments. Often the moral answer is the same as the answer neccessitous.
We can say that the children, depends on the woman at all, because they are not too many people looking for them. Children are not necessarily matter. The question then is whether the fetus can survive cancer. If not, then the only sensible thing is the end. If we assume that survive to term, it is a question of finding that saved the lives of interesting to be disregarded. It would probably opt for the life of the mother and the loss of a brother, you never know who would not be too difficult for other children with the loss of his mother to do.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis ... If the fetus can not survive safely, then there is no kindness, so that they grow.
Like an autistic person could not live, I'm sure. I have worked hard to meet the challenges that autism overcome me especially, Ihave achieved success. I do not think anyone has the right or the ability to determine the value of my existence in the head, and I'm sure my life is more interesting for the challenges which face them when they had met.
Now that it is the election of women ... and is legal.
Okay, in all circumstances. It is permissible and does not look like that the people involved. Fetuses are not human.
Cancer of the uterus with children, I would say that is correct. It is not me to judge or decide. If it were me, I will do my best to this child, or any surragate. When deformed, no, not good, because it is God's decision to die and when. We have no way of knowing whether this guy get to 12 or 12 years. Potential of every child is entitled to have the chance to live. If you can make the child, give someone. But who dies and who lives in certain situations, not ours, is God.
I think it really depends on your personal beliefs and what you feel is morally acceptable. Although some people say that if the mother's life is in danger, you can have an abortion, but others say it's done the will of God, and was intended to, and the same mother as you want to sacrifice their lives for the love of a son.
I personally believe that abortion is necessary if the child has abnormalities. If the child after its birth to die anyway, why not wait and see if this actually happens? How can we really know what will happen in the future. So it is not give the unborn a chance to live. Miracles do happen, but rarely.
As the implementation of the documentation, you will change the nature of the implantation of an embryo in the first place, what is the difference in the health decisions are correct? Most people who begin to have a problem with the actual implementation to ..
But as I said .. Religion and belief system. Decisions like this are never easy!
Abortion is morally acceptable when the child's mother in the process the funds.
Your first scenerios seem to apply. The other two scenarios are not.
It is not morally acceptable to destroy "unhealthy" embryos. It is not morally permissible to destroy embryos for ANT.
Funny how some would say a fetus should have the choice in this area - which - as the fetus develops a pregnant woman. This should cancel the election something, right?
its cool how the technology is now able to see with whom you into the belly of the mother. allowed, or how the baby after 3 months, 5 months to 9 months to the day when the baby comes out of the mothers of the wound, the air begins to breathe, as we think that the life and abortion is murder. Let the child is born, no matter what happens. He said that the child may live only a few hours? How do you know? Nobody knows what will happen, and what God can do. When theres a list of things that happen that can cause abortion. There is a list of things someone can do to save the baby.
Abortion is acceptable under certain circumstances, if the pregnant woman wants a. Your body - your life - your choice.
I think not. I fear that the door was opened for other homicides also excusable. If a woman is heavily beaten by her husband, and he will not allow her and her children leave, it is acceptable to kill them? What is a mother who abuses one (or more) child (ren) more than others? Is it acceptable to kill his eldest son to protect the brothers? If we allow women, children, distorted "or" junk "you know what stop killing you. I know a family that was told her baby would be severely deformed, and would live only hours after birth. They sat in pregnancy and the baby is born perfectly healthy. It seems that are perplexed by the statements of the doctors. There is always room for error, and abortion is no exception. Even if it be justified "is always the possibility that something could go wrong, and could be injured or killed, suffer or cause permanent damage. So what?
I'd have to agree. Abortion is acceptable if it is a matter of life or health is death or injury. But that's what I support, on abortion. I still think it is murder.
Rape and incest are the only two I would give me that do "good" to think that way. . but even then his assassination. . Any woman who does not comply with these two are not (rape or incest). . What makes this person the right to say who lives and who dies? Perhaps they should have kept her legs closed and bear sex before marriage, or the consequences. . Why do you think God said no sex before outside of marriage. . makes sense!
Murder is murder. It is nothing less, "depending on certain circumstances."
Slavery is OK in certain circumstances?
No, it is not. So we also need to stop arguing about whether it is good to have a woman as a slave for 9 months. Every woman has the right to vote, regardless of the circumstances. It is simply not our business.
Hysterectomy has nothing to do with abortion or abortion, but only if the mother is in danger because he was so self-defense and that the only way to kill is wrong.
Abortion is acceptable in most cases. There is nothing more than a group of parasitic cells of the recipient to do what he wants to, can.
The business person.
Abortion is a good thing, since all that killing is a range of tissues.
under all circumstances ... nobody's business .... Group of cells ... (I hate to answer this, but I must.)
It is good to kill under certain circumstances?
Yes it is. Also depends on whether you believe in sin. In addition, to follow what the religion. According to Jewish law, women first. Interestingly, Jewish women have lower rates of abortion.
My personal impression is that people should not have a voice in this matter or decision for them) (without the device or the ultimate responsibility is a theoretical argument. I find it strange that all medical procedures, both a triple bypass operation control as "normal and natural.
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