Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pictures Of Inside Vagana How To Set Up A Digital SLR Camera For Taking Pictures Of A Wedding Inside The Church Without Using A Tripod?

How to set up a digital SLR camera for taking pictures of a wedding inside the church without using a tripod? - pictures of inside vagana

You do not know how to connect your digital camera to take pictures in the church without a tripod, such as ISO, shutter speed that corresponds to the opening for manual use or others? I've never done this type of camera, so please help.


x_the_on... said...

Auto noose, which I do lol great work

Sang K said...

First, I would be the DSLR. It would take too much time experimenting with the video camera. I want quick goal (less F2.8) at ISO 400 to receive. Coming condition, you may be able to download ISO 200 with little daylight. Stand if not allowed to use monopod too.

Ara57 said...

It depends on the amount of ambient light in the church, is the speed of the lens, how much freedom you need and that high sensitivities can be used in the device.

Realistically, you must take a stand when the church is dark enough, otherwise it will not be possible to hold hands with a slow shutter speed, especially if you are a slowsih lens.

The proposal to visit the practice in advance is a good idea. Without knowing what is the goal, and the computer you use, it is impossible to comment further. I hope you're not the event photographer.

Chooey said...

Do you have an automatic camera? always the best for his take some pictures in advance to ensure you get the best resaults. If your camera and the need for immediate use only put it in auto mode know, make sure the flash and the lens is automatically enabled, the camera most of the ideas. But you play with your camera. SLR should be a normal shutter speed of 125 and the flash for indoor and 200iS, depending on the light ... So you see, depends mainly on the issue then perhaps the best thing for you automatically turns on when it is too complicated formulated. Hope this helps

kang l said...

I agree with tallpall .. the backseat can support in his own hand (no tripod sharper picture) ..

David T said...

You know, I fought with myself, but I have some suggestions that can help. First, I can not believe no one has proposed that the RAW pictures! If the quality of the RAW is not likely to bring a picture that is completely black, and I know from experience that if shot is overexposed, RAW does not help much, but I took some pictures underexposed recording in RAW and using the software package that came with my camera, put the problems and the left with a perfectly exposed picture!

I also read on the web that you should not adjust the shutter speed below 1 / 60 without a tripod.

PS I think "is" Dave answer is a little suspect. The shutter speed is the time for closing the opening and closing!

Radiator said...

You must use an auto-setting.

Radiator said...

You must use an auto-setting.

Radiator said...

You must use an auto-setting.

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